Tag: Destiny 2
Destiny 2 (and Destiny 1) Weekly Reset 1/9: Nightfall, Challenges, Flashpoint,...
Tuesday brings more than just updates to the weekly Xbox and PlayStation deals, it also brings an update to Destiny 2 and Destiny 1....
Destiny 2 Trials of the Nine Maps, Modes, and More (1/5...
Xur isn't the only thing hitting Destiny 2 today, Trials of the Nine has also begun today! If you're new to Destiny 2, Trials...
Destiny 2 (and Destiny 1): Xur, Agent of the Nine, location...
It's Friday, which means that it is time for Xur to make his way back to Destiny with his pockets filled with items for...
[Updated] Destiny 2 going down for maintenance; Fixing access to Iron...
The update has released. Patch notes below.
Iron Banner
Players who do not own Curse of Osiris may once again access Iron Banner when available
Destiny 2 Weekly Reset 11/29: Nightfall, Challenges, Flashpoint, Eververse and more
Destiny 2's maintenance has been completed and the Weekly Reset has brought new objectives for Guardians to complete.
This week, Guardians will be able to...
Destiny 2: Gods of Mars DLC Details Leaked On PSN
PSN graces the gaming community today with an accidental peek at Destiny 2's next expansion Gods of Mars. An accidental leak of the PSN store...
Call of Duty: WWII, Destiny 2 named top selling console games...
As a publisher, Activision has seen an amazing year with the release of and Destiny 2. The games have been named the top two...
Destiny 2 gets new holiday themed update with snowball fights and...
Destiny 2 launched earlier this year with the approval of hardcore fans and critics and since then the game has received a bunch of...
Paywalled Destiny 2 content unlocked in latest update; Details here
Yesterday, Bungie promised to make good with the Destiny 2 community after locking content behind the purchase of Curse of Osiris. The DLC had...
Bungie addresses ‘Curse of Osiris’ locked content in Destiny 2; Promises...
Destiny 2 players were not happy to find base Destiny 2 content locked behind a paywall after the game's first expansion released last week....