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Tag: Destiny: The Taken King

Destiny’s Refer-a-Friend promotion kicks off with exclusive rewards

Just in time for the holidays, Bungie has launched its "Refer-a-Friend" program, a new way to welcome Kinderguardians to the universe of Destiny. More than...

It sure does sound like Titans will be nerfed in Destiny’s...

Let's face it, Titans are pretty overpowered in Destiny. Hell, I'm a Titan and even I admit it.  With The Taken King expansion came the...

Here’s how your exotic weapons will change with Destiny’s December update

Base weapons aren't the only things being balanced with Destiny's December update. Detailing the anxiously-awaited weapon tuning update, Bungie revealed a few changes coming...

More Destiny Year One Exotics are getting updated in December

Earlier today, Bungie detailed the next round of weapon balancing coming to Destiny in December. That's not all they have planned for next month's...

Bungie details Destiny’s next weapon tuning update

Earlier this month, Bungie revealed Destiny's December update will contain the next round of class and weapon balancing. Today, they finally lifted the curtain,...

Well, this is the best way to end Destiny’s annoying ‘Shindig...

I think many of you would agree, "Shindig in the Crucible," is probably one of the worst quests in Destiny. Part of Jolly Holliday's...

Destiny’s new and improved Iron Banner is now in full swing

Following the release of Destiny's November update, the Iron Banner has returned. Ater what was arguably the worst Iron Banner yet last month, the November update brought...

Iron Banner arriving after Destiny’s November update

Bungie has announced that the Iron Banner will, indeed, return today once Destiny's November update rolls out, presumably this afternoon. As a reminder, the update...

What to expect from Destiny’s November update today

***Update*** Destiny's November update has arrived. Check out the full patch notes here. ***Original*** Later today, Bungie will release the eagerly awaited November update for Destiny. The...

Destiny’s Iron Banner returning next week with overhauled rewards

Destiny's Iron Banner is set to return next week, Bungie announced. The special week-long Crucible event, which tests your Guardian's true power, will ditch...