
Destiny loot cave patched in today’s hot fix

Destiny has received a new hotfix today which Bungie says will "reduce the effectiveness of a humbling number of economy…

10 years ago

How to start the Queen’s Wrath missions in Destiny

As you're probably aware by now, the Queen's emissary has arrived in the Tower bringing with new bounties, missions, weapons,…

10 years ago

Farming ‘the Cave’ for Engrams in Destiny has gotten even easier

By now, you should be familiar with "the cave" on Earth. For those of you who aren't, this area in…

10 years ago

Destiny’s The Queen’s Wrath event has begun; here’s how it works

Destiny's next big event, The Queen's Wrath, has gone live, bringing new bounties, challenging mission modes and, of course, rewards…

10 years ago

Destiny’s hidden PvP mode, Trials of Osiris, discovered and detailed

Digging through Destiny’s source code has revealed a new competitive Crucible PvP playlist known as “Trials of Osiris.” Though Bungie…

10 years ago

Five head-scratching things in Destiny that need to be changed

I like Destiny, I really do. Mechanically, the gameplay feels great. Admittedly, though, there are quite a few decisions made…

10 years ago

The Queen’s Wrath brings new bounties and missions to Destiny

Bungie yesterday detailed two more events coming to Destiny. One of them, Combined Arms, is a Crucible playlist available starting today.…

10 years ago

Destiny’s Legendary Engram is the biggest troll

Remember a few months back when I wrote about Sunset Overdrive's mascot Fizzie, and how he was the internet's biggest jerk?…

10 years ago

3 Reasons Destiny’s Live Action Commercials Have More Story Than The Game

There is nothing about these commercials I don't love. The witty banter, the casual "road trip" style fun, the awesome…

10 years ago

Destiny guide to the Warlock class

In the most generic RPG sense, Destiny’s Warlock fits the ‘magic user’ trope. If Titan represents strength, Hunter dexterity, than…

10 years ago