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Tag: Destiny

Destiny expansion DLC details leaked

Thanks to a glitch in Destiny's most recent patch, a number of users were able to access parts of the destination map, revealing all sorts...

Bungie responds to negative Destiny feedback: ‘We’re harder on ourselves than...

Bungie is taking the negative reviews and feedback from fans in stride. In fact, when it comes to feedback, the developer of Destiny -- one of...

Destiny’s next Crucible event, The Iron Banner, begins October 7

Even though we're in the midst of The Queen's Wrath, Bungie is already looking ahead and giving us a taste of October's offerings for...

Lizard Squad warns of more attacks on video games this weekend

It looks like group Lizard Squad is planning their next attack on video games this weekend, if a recent tweet by the notorious hacker/DDoS group...

How to get Legendary gear in Destiny without farming the now-dead...

As you’re probably aware by now, this week Bungie released a patch for Destiny aimed at reducing “the effectiveness of a humbling number of...

Destiny adding opt-in for voice communication

One of the biggest complaints with Destiny -- aside from the repetitive grind, that is -- is the lack of in-game communication for players. Basically,...

Bungie talks Destiny weapon balancing: Auto Rifles, Shotguns getting nerfed

Among the things talked about in today's Destiny dev notes was weapon balancing. "Our goal when balancing Destiny is to never have one player choice-- for...

Destiny loot cave patched in today’s hot fix

Destiny has received a new hotfix today which Bungie says will "reduce the effectiveness of a humbling number of economy exploits." Among the "fixes,"...

How to start the Queen’s Wrath missions in Destiny

As you're probably aware by now, the Queen's emissary has arrived in the Tower bringing with new bounties, missions, weapons, class items, shaders and...

Farming ‘the Cave’ for Engrams in Destiny has gotten even easier

By now, you should be familiar with "the cave" on Earth. For those of you who aren't, this area in Old Russia is a...