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Tag: Destiny

Destiny’s The Queen’s Wrath event has begun; here’s how it works

Destiny's next big event, The Queen's Wrath, has gone live, bringing new bounties, challenging mission modes and, of course, rewards for your efforts. The Queen's...

Destiny’s hidden PvP mode, Trials of Osiris, discovered and detailed

Digging through Destiny’s source code has revealed a new competitive Crucible PvP playlist known as “Trials of Osiris.” Though Bungie hasn’t talked much of...

Five head-scratching things in Destiny that need to be changed

I like Destiny, I really do. Mechanically, the gameplay feels great. Admittedly, though, there are quite a few decisions made by Bungie that have...

The Queen’s Wrath brings new bounties and missions to Destiny

Bungie yesterday detailed two more events coming to Destiny. One of them, Combined Arms, is a Crucible playlist available starting today. The other is called...

Destiny’s Legendary Engram is the biggest troll

Remember a few months back when I wrote about Sunset Overdrive's mascot Fizzie, and how he was the internet's biggest jerk? Well, he may have...

3 Reasons Destiny’s Live Action Commercials Have More Story Than The...

There is nothing about these commercials I don't love. The witty banter, the casual "road trip" style fun, the awesome rolly jumpy flippy action!...

Destiny guide to the Warlock class

In the most generic RPG sense, Destiny’s Warlock fits the ‘magic user’ trope. If Titan represents strength, Hunter dexterity, than the Warlock would be...

Here are the patch notes from this week’s Destiny update

Earlier this week, Bungie released an update for Destiny that, while adding the Vault of Glass raid, also contained quite a few other changes and tweaks. It...

Destiny’s Vault of Glass raid is now open

As promised, Destiny's next big event -- and the greatest challenge in-game to date -- went live yesterday as The Vault of Glass opened at 2:00am...

You can enter Destiny’s Vault of Glass raid pre-level 26, but...

At 2:00am Pacific (5:00am Eastern), Destiny's brand new raid, The Vault of Glass, will open to all -- inviting level 26 players to take on...