Doctor Who

LEGO Dimensions story explained in new trailer

LEGO Dimensions takes characters and worlds from some of the largest franchises and brilliantly brings them together into an interactive…

10 years ago

Netflix starts streaming Reading Rainbow in August

Getting tired of all the shows on Netflix? Don't worry, August is coming and it's bringing a ton of new…

10 years ago

All 12 Doctors set to appear in LEGO Dimensions

It has been confirmed that all of Doctor Who's regenerated characters will be available to play with during the upcoming…

10 years ago

Doctor Who Season 9 trailer teases tons of action, returning characters and Maisie Williams

San Diego Comic-Con plays host for tons of information on TV shows, movies, video games, comics and more. During the…

10 years ago

Doctor Who joins LEGO Dimensions

BBC's legendary character "The Doctor" will be joining the LEGO Dimensions video game, alongside Batman, Homer Simpson, Gandalf and others. …

10 years ago

Arya Stark headed to Doctor Who

After removing Jeremy Clarkson from Top Gear, The BBC is feeling the pressure to be loved again. That might be…

10 years ago

Bollocks! Netflix is losing Doctor Who, Luther and other BBC shows this month

Well this sucks. I thought I had more time to get into and watch Doctor Who, but after January 31st, most…

10 years ago

Doctor Who star lends voice to Xbox One’s Kinect Sports Rivals

David Tennant, better known by some as the tenth Docter in BBC's Doctor Who series, will be lending his voice to…

11 years ago