New DOOM Alpha Test to begin tonight

At the end of October Bethesda launched their first Closed Alpha test for DOOM, now it's time for another Closed…

9 years ago

DOOM’s Multiplayer Closed Alpha is coming to the PC, PS4, and Xbox One tomorrow

With DOOM’s first Closed Alpha test only hours away, Bethesda and id Software  have given us a look at the…

9 years ago

Doom closed alpha registration now open for PS4, Xbox One and PC

For those who bought Wolfenstein: The New Order and received your Doom registration key, you may now use it to…

9 years ago

Doom debuts the new id Tech 6 engine

With regards to the new Doom game “60 frames per second is really important to us,” according to id Software…

10 years ago

No co-op campaign for DOOM.

At this week’s QuakeCon, Marty Stratton confirmed to PCGamer that there will not be co-op in the campaign for their…

10 years ago

New DOOM screenshots fresh out of QuakeCon 2015

DOOM is set for a Spring 2016 release on Xbox One, PS4, and PC. Straight out of QuakeCon 2015, Bethesda…

10 years ago

Bethesda to host limited DOOM multiplayer alpha ‘in the coming months’

Those in attendance at QuakeCon this week are the first to go hands on with the pre-alpha of DOOM's multiplayer, but Bethesda…

10 years ago

Fallout 4, DOOM highlight Bethesda’s QuakeCon 2015 schedule

I know San Diego Comic-Con is just kicking off, but in the video game and movie industry, things move rapidly.…

10 years ago

Doom update coming at Quakecon

iD Software General Manager, Garrett Young responded to a fan question on Twitter today revealing that more information on the upcoming…

10 years ago

Our first look at DOOM multiplayer

In addition to the thrilling premiere trailer for DOOM's single player, Bethesda also shared with us last night a look…

10 years ago