Elder Scrolls Anthology

Elder Scrolls Online Homestead update drops today, allows property purchases

Along with the Morrowind gameplay trailer today, Bethesda also released an update for Elder Scrolls Online, the Homestead update. First…

8 years ago

[Watch] Elder Scrolls Online Morrowind gameplay revealed in new trailer

Bethesda released a new trailer today showing off gameplay for the upcoming Morrowind expansion for The Elder Scrolls Online. There…

8 years ago

Morrowind is the next expansion for Elder Scrolls Online, special editions and release date detailed

Zenimax held a livestream today in which they announced that the next expansion for Elder Scrolls Online would be Morrowind.…

8 years ago

No, Bethesda still isn’t working on Elder Scrolls 6 yet; They are working on “two other games” first

During E3 2016,  a statement from Bethesda's Game Director Todd Howard was taken as an apparent "confirmation" of Elder Scrolls 6 being in development.…

8 years ago

Skyrim Remaster: Bethesda will be doing everything to “make the game look and feel better”

While the announcement that The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim would be getting a remaster is still sinking in Bethesda's Pete Hines has…

9 years ago

E3 2016: Bethesda confirms development of Elder Scrolls 6

Bethesda's Todd Howard has revealed the development of a sixth instalment to the Elder Scrolls series.  If you have played…

9 years ago

E3 2016: Bethesda is bringing The Dark Brotherhood DLC to consoles

  Bethesda has announced that the latest Elder Scrolls Online DLC -- The Dark Brotherhood, will be making its way…

9 years ago

Watch Bethesda reveal their big E3 2016 announcements here

Prior to E3 2016 a number of rumors focusing on what Bethesda will be announcing appeared. The latest rumors have Bethesda…

9 years ago

We won’t be hearing about new games from Bethesda ‘anytime soon’

It appears as though Bethesda's director is rescinding on previous statements hinting at three 'big and crazy' projects in development…

9 years ago

The Elder Scrolls, Fallout, Doom and more available DRM-Free and discounted

In case you were feeling like you didn't have enough Bethesda in your life, GOG.com has your back. The digital…

10 years ago