Epic Games

Find out how Gears of War 4 holds up on the Xbox One and PC

The Gears of War games have a long history of pushing technology forward, especially what the Unreal Engine can do,…

8 years ago

Epic Games’ MOBA, Paragon is getting an open beta

If you follow news about MOBAs you might know that Epic Games has their own called Paragon. This MOBA, currently…

9 years ago

Shadow Complex release date for Playstation 4 and PC announced

The critically acclaimed Shadow Complex recently got remastered and now the release date for the PlayStation 4 and PC versions…

9 years ago

Epic Games shows off latest build for Fortnite

Hey, remember that game Fortnite? That game that got announced during the hype of crafting and survival games and still…

9 years ago

Epic Games announces new MOBA: Paragon

Another day, another MOBA announcement. This one is coming from Gears of War veterans, Epic Games and dubbed Paragon. If…

9 years ago

PSA: Beware fraudulent emails resulting from Epic Games phishing attack

Epic Games followers would do well to steer clear of any emails from the studio until further notice, as it…

9 years ago

Epic Games hiring competitive players for its ‘newest, unannounced IP’

Developer Epic Games, best known for its Gears of War franchise, today posted a job listing for QA testers on…

9 years ago

Microsoft partners with Tencent to bring League of Legends to Windows 10 store

Microsoft announced today a partnership with China's leading social networking and gaming services company Tencent that will bring Windows 10 as a…

10 years ago

Fortnite alpha test starts today

Epic Games' upcoming action-strategy game, Fortnite, is starting its first closed alpha test today, December 2. Epic Games is sending out…

10 years ago

Epic Games announces a community driven Unreal Tournament

Gamers have helped fund games, but have they ever helped develop games? If not, they'll get the chance to now.…

11 years ago