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Tag: Far Cry 5

Far Cry 5 will be about 20 – 30 hours long

Far Cry is known for its very rich campaigns that take place in exotic locations filled with incredible characters like the insanely intimidating Vaas...

E3 2017: Here’s an extended look at Far Cry 5

Far Cry 5 was revealed last month and it looked really awesome. The game is the first Far Cry set in America and will...

Someone made a petition to cancel Far Cry 5

The official Far Cry 5 trailer released last week along with a couple details that might have lit the rage fire in some gamers....

New Far Cry 5 image shows off characters, weapons, and possible...

While we impatiently wait for Ubisoft to unveil the upcoming Far Cry game, Far Cry 5, this Friday, we can hold ourselves over with...

Rumor: Far Cry 5 details allegedly revealed

A number of teasers for the latest addition to the Far Cry series, Far Cry 5, dropped today, ahead of the Friday reveal, however, it...