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The villain for Aquaman has been revealed to be Black Manta

The days of speculating about who will be Jason Momoa's arch-nemesis in the upcoming Aquaman are over, who this seafaring villain is has finally be...

Alien:Covenant gets teaser trailer to mark one year until release

The next installment in the Alien series is just a measly year away and to celebrate a new short little teaser has been released...

Square Enix’s Deus Ex-based ‘Human by Design’ documentary is available now

Technology is slowly erasing the traditional norms of what is human and what is not and a documentary by Square Enix called "Human by Design"...

Suicide Squad has an important secret mid-credits scene

The release of DC Comics' next big film, Suicide Squad, is just around the corner and the closer we get to release, the more...

Nintendo is diving into the movie industry

Nintendo is currently thinking about taking a dive into the movie industry with movies based on their video game properties, and they have plans...

The Warcraft movie brings transmog tie-in items for World of Warcraft

As expected the Warcraft film will bring tie-in items for World of Warcraft, both Alliance and Horde will be getting some items from the...

Take your first look at the new Power Rangers costumes

Just like all the big characters from the 90s the Power Rangers went and got a suit upgrade, they have switched the spandex for...

Latest Warcraft trailer shows off the survivor, Garona

The latest Warcraft movie character showcase trailer from Legendary Entertainment is here. This time the viewers gets a closer look at the assassins and...

Check out the new Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2 trailer right...

The premiere date for the next Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles film is getting closer by the day, and today Paramount Pictures released the latest...

New Warcraft movie trailer shows off the Warrior, Lothar

The Warcraft movie is upon us and Legendary Entertainment is releasing character focused trailers to let the viewers get a bit more acquainted with...