Tag: Final Fantasy
Square Enix is running a sale on PSN right now
2K Games is not the only developer having a PSN Sale going on right now. Square Enix has started a PSN Sale of their...
Square Enix to upgrade Final Fantasy XV for Xbox Scorpio?
After Microsoft announced details of 'Project Scorpio' during their annual E3 press conference it left us wondering about which games would be available for...
E3 2016: Sony press conference round-up
Sony had a massive E3 last year. Like beyond massive, probably one of the biggest shows in all of E3 history. It was a...
Review: Final Fantasy X/X-2 HD Remaster is the best PC port...
Platform: PC (reviewed)
Previously Released: PS4, PS3, PS Vita
Developer: Virtuous
Publisher: Square Enix
I played a lot of Final Fantasy as a kid. A LOT. I got...
[Watch] Here it is, the Final Fantasy 12 HD remaster on...
The age of remasters isn't over yet, Square Enix has announced that the PlayStation 2's Final Fantasy XII will be heading to the PlayStation...
Behold glorious Chocobo gameplay in Final Fantasy 15
While people wonder whether or not Final Fantasy XV will live up to the dreams from fans or not, Square Enix has released a...
Opinion: Video games are already art, love them or get out
Attacking video games, and those that play them, is the edgy thing to do today, with one of the more popular attacks being some...
Final Fantasy: Brave Exvius headed West for release
If you enjoy Final Fantasy games you might be happy to hear that a new one is scheduled to release in the west for...
Final Fantasy XV to have a special Active Time Report just...
As we already know, the next official Active Time Report for Final Fantasy XV isn't due to hit until E3. However, a recent Twitter...
Square Enix adds exclusive pre-order goodies for Final Fantasy XV
Final Fantasy XV is just around the corner and Square Enix has already revealed a few different versions available for pre-order, and now they...