Gaming Culture

Bright Draws 11 Million U.S. Views On Netflix In First Three Days

Nielsen, the company that measures TV viewership, announced in October that it will be measuring Netflix viewership as well. Today,…

7 years ago

Gaming Addiction To Become Officially Recognized By World Health Organization

The world at large seems to be paying attention to video games this year. Unfortunately, it's not all in a…

7 years ago

NYCC: Future crossover between ‘The Walking Dead’ & ‘Fear The Walking Dead’ confirmed

The Walking Dead and Fear The Walking Dead timelines have been separate since the latter premiered as a prequels show…

7 years ago

“Platform is a Barrier That Shouldn’t Exist” Rare Says While Testing Crossplay in Sea of Thieves

Recently on Tales from the Tavern Podcast, Rare has revealed that this Wednesday they will hold an internal test for…

8 years ago

Disabled Twitch streamer recieves thousands of dollars in donations after being bullied

When you play an online game, 99% of the time you don't know who is on the other end of…

8 years ago

BioShock creator offers light details on new game

Ken Levine, the creator of BioShock, has been hard at work on a new game, with 12 former Irrational Games…

8 years ago

Gaming hits $91 Billion Worldwide in 2016

Our, and most likely your favorite hobby has new sales numbers in and they're quite impressive. Gaming as a whole…

8 years ago

Willy Wonka to be revived for a completely new tale

"Come with me, and you'll be, in a world of pure imagination. Take a look through this story and you'll…

8 years ago

Test-driving a Star Wars speeder bike looks cool

Over the years GameZone has covered stories where the idea of putting together a real-life Star Wars speeder bike was…

9 years ago

Artist fuses Pokemon into annoyingly adorable creations

If you thought Pokemon were cute, you haven't seen them fused together by this artist. Alesia Gitter (known as Sieara on Twitter, with…

9 years ago