Enjoyed Prototype? Have an extra $20 to shell out for the sequel? If so, then the Blackwatch Collector's Edition is…
Desmond isn't looking on to October 30 just yet...
The 2012 gaming year continues to stack up well, as Far Cry 3 gets an official release date
Sorry Rayman, you still are the weirdest looking-thing ever
Death Rides, Angel of Death, Deadly Despair? This could only be news for Darksiders II
Night owls will be unable to play Battlefield 3 online from 3 a.m. CST to 4 a.m. CST
With L.A. Noire's studio closed, Rockstar is hesitant to push towards a sequel
Kinect Hole in the Wall was Microsoft's worst ranked game? I demand a recount!
Creating stunning, open-world environments is not easy, but Bethesda's Adam Adamowicz did just that.