GOG Galaxy

Want to Play Saints Row 2 For Free on PC? Here’s How

Remember Saints Row 2? The series really got its stride in Saints Row the Third but the second game shouldn't be looked…

7 years ago

500 DRM-Free PC Games in GOG’s Spring Sale

Spring may be a few weeks off still, but GOG just couldn't wait. They kicked off their six-day DRM-Free Spring…

8 years ago

Gog DRM-Free PC Winter Sale Includes Free Bioware Game

GOG's winter sale, dubbed "The Monstrous Winter Sale", has launched today. GOG sets hundreds of games on huge sales and it…

8 years ago

GOG.com unveils DRM-free GOG Galaxy

During today's GOG.com/CD Projekt RED Summer Conference, GOG.com introduced us to their vision for a truly gamer-friendly, DRM-free online gaming…

10 years ago