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Dark Souls II Guide: Shrine of Winter – Where You go...

If you’re anything like me, you collected all the Primal Souls and had NO idea where to go. This was me. On top of...

FIFA 14 Cheats: Tips on getting every single Achievement / Trophy...

While you patiently wait for the next-gen version of FIFA 14, you're probably hard at work scoring GOAAAAAAAALs on the current-gen version. Completionists will undoubtedly...

Game Guide: Answers to the top 10 Soul Sacrifice questions

The verdict is in, and it seems like Soul Sacrifice is an excellent reason to dust off your Vita, or finally bite the bullet...

5 ways to maximize your score in Runner2: Future Legend of...

Congratulations! If you're reading this, chances are you already bought this year's best game thus far. No, seriously, it's our first 10/10 of 2013,...

Battlefield 3: Aftermath – Tips for Fun & Winning

Four map packs in and there's still plenty to say about Battlefield 3. Each pack has brought something new to the table and Aftermath...

Game Guide: Battlefield 3: Aftermath Crossbow / XBOW tips

BA Bolt How to Unlock: Complete Assignment Two Assignments. "Get 50 kills with sniper rifles / Get 10 headshot kills with sidearm" If you've been following along then you've...

Dishonored chaos system guide

If you haven’t gotten your hands on Dishonored yet… what are you doing?  You realize it’s out now, right? (view the review) While playing,...

Tips for mastering combat and nailing headshots in Yakuza: Dead Souls

Don’t let zombies and other gruesome undead get you down