Indie Game: The Movie

I’m deeply worried about Fez creator Phil Fish, and you should be too

Phil Fish. Seriously. It’s no secret that I admire both the work and quirky personality of Phil Fish. In fact,…

12 years ago

In defense of Fez developer, Phil Fish

Few people in the game industry are better suited to wear the adjective “iconoclastic” than Phil Fish. If that man…

12 years ago

Humble Indie Bundle 7 includes Legend of Grimrock, Indie Game: The Movie, and more

The latest Humble Indie Bundle includes an old-school dungeon crawler, a film about indie development, and a game from the…

12 years ago

Rejoice! Indie Game: The Movie has launched!

The documentary from filmmakers James Swirsky and Lisanne Pajot is now available

13 years ago