Life is Strange

Life is Strange sold over 1 million copies

Earlier today we got a release date for the latest episode of Life is Strange Episode 4: Dark Room. We…

10 years ago

Life is Strange: Episode 4 ‘Darkroom’ release date announced

Square Enix has announced that fans of Life is Strange can jump back into the mystery of Arcadia Bay on…

10 years ago

Life is Strange Episode 3: Chaos Theory Review

Now three episodes through Dontnod's episodic adventure Life is Strange, it's hard to talk too much about the events in…

10 years ago

Life is Strange devs offer emotional support page for players in similar situations as game scenarios

The third episode of Dontnod Entertainment's Life is Strange released yesterday. The episode, titled Chaos Theory, delves deeper into the…

10 years ago

The Weekly Drop for Xbox One, PS4, PC and 3DS (5/18/15)

The wait has been painful. With a few painful delays out of the way, fans will finally get their hands…

10 years ago

Life is Strange: Episode 3 ‘Chaos Theory’ release date announced

Fans eager to return to Arcadia Bay will be able to do so next week, as DONTNOD and Square Enix announced…

10 years ago

Life is Strange Episode 2: Out of Time Review

Things are getting pretty crazy in Arcadia Bay. Square Enix and DONTNOD Entertainment’s narrative-driven, episodic adventure game Life is Strange…

10 years ago

Life is Strange Episode 3 coming next month

While some of you anxiously twiddle your thumbs for the next Game of Thrones episode, other are twiddling their thumbs…

10 years ago

Life is Strange Episode 2: Out of Time releases on PS4, Xbox One, PC

In case you missed the first episode of Dontnod's episodic adventure Life is Strange, go play it. It did a great…

10 years ago

The Weekly Drop for Xbox One, PS4, and PC (3/23/15)

This is it! This is the big one guys! Remember? I kept referring to this week for like, weeks now!…

10 years ago