Magic: The Gathering

Get a closer look at Magic: The Gathering’s upcoming expansion ‘Battle for Zendikar’

Wizards of the Coast took to PAX Prime with a few cards up their sleeve. Wil Wheaton and Ashly Burch lead attendees…

10 years ago

Xbox One game releases for July 2015

While Sony might have a lot of releases scheduled for July, Microsoft is looking a little more barren on the…

10 years ago

Expand your Magic 2015 collection with Garruk’s Revenge

If you're itching for more cards and campaigns for Magic 2015, then rest easy. Garruk's Revenge, the expansion to Magic…

10 years ago

Magic: the Gathering’s Standard format was shaken up today

Magic: the Gathering players who compete in the Standard format without a Mono Black Devotion deck are 1000% tired of…

11 years ago

My local game store spoils the crap out of me

I spent my Wednesday evening playing Magic: the Gathering from 5:00 PM to 4:00 AM. What did you do with those…

11 years ago

Garruk, the mascot for Magic the Gathering’s 2015 Core Set, gets unveiled this Monday

Meet Garruk, a Planeswaker in Magic: the Gathering. This is his card from the 2014 Core Set. In 2015, however, he's…

11 years ago

Comparing Hearthstone to Magic: the Gathering

On many levels, this is like comparing apples and oranges. While Hearthstone and Magic: the Gathering are both card games,…

11 years ago

E3 2012: Duels of the Planeswalkers 2013 interview

Magic: the Gathering returns to the gaming world for 2013, this time for the iPad as well! Check it out!

13 years ago