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Tag: monster hunter

Monster Hunter: World day one update detailed; Trophies/Achievement revealed

The release date for Monster Hunter: World is fast approaching. The game is set to release with a day one patch and plenty of...

There are no plans to bring Monster Hunter: World to Nintendo...

With the success of Nintendo's new portable/console hybrid, the Nintendo Switch, many are wondering if their favorite AAA games will make their way over...

Monster Hunter: World releases new gameplay trailer showing the Coral Highlands

Monster Hunter: World is on the precipice of its release, and Capcom's ad campaign is in full swing. Series fans should probably be going...

Monster Hunter: World announces PS4-only final beta, new content coming

No matter how it ends up turning out, one thing about Monster Hunter: World is undeniable. Players have had enough opportunity to give the game...

Monster Hunter: World’s PC version targeting a release this Fall

Following its successful Beta testing last month, Monster Hunter: World is gearing up for its release this month on PS4 and Xbox One. Players...