Tag: Naughty Dog
Uncharted 4 gameplay demo hid an awesome easter egg
During E3 2015, Sony and Naughty Dog came together to reveal gameplay (as seen above) for the PlayStation 4 exclusive, Uncharted 4: A Theif's...
Watching old people play The Last of Us is hilarious
The first 15 minutes of The Last of Us is one of the most heart breaking, edge-of-your-seat moments ever in gaming. Naughty Dog took...
First test animation for original Mass Effect used FemShep
The original build for Mass Effect's Commander Shepard was originally developed as a woman. The intention was always for Commander Shepard to be both...
Game of Thrones colors new look at Naughty Dog animator’s Dante’s...
Dante’s Redemption, a passion project from Naughty Dog animator Tal Peleg, was revealed near the end of June. However, fans of Dante’s quest are...
Naughty Dog artists’ personal projects are as stunning as their work...
With E3 just days away and multiple unannounced projects having been spelled out by Naughty Dog already, there’s no doubt we’ll see some serious...
Why Soda Drinker Pro is better than The Last of Us
We're still relatively fresh into the brand new year of 2014, but it seems like people are still talking about The Last of Us....
Crash Bandicoot rumored to be back with Sony, Naughty Dog
Activision's removal of its Crash Bandicoot website and web properties this week, as spotted by Reddit, is leading some to believe that Sony has...
Uncharted 3 patch 1.13 tweaks gameplay and adds new content
The next patch for Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception is due out around August 14, and it introduces altered mechanics and even an "exciting new...
Naughty Dog wins big at International 3D Society Awards
Uncharted 3 receives an award and Naughty Dog rejoices on Twitter
Uncharted 3 gets four new maps today, Naughty Dog details future...
Naughty Dog releases teaser image of future Uncharted 3 DLC content