PAX Prime

Gameplay of Hitman’s ‘Showstopper’ mission premieres at PAX

Square Enix and IO Interactive have released the first playthrough from the upcoming Hitman game. Debuting at PAX Prime in…

10 years ago

Here’s what Square Enix is bringing to PAX Prime 2015

Developer Square Enix is taking a truckload of Final Fantasy, Dragon Quest and a few oddballs to PAX Prime this…

10 years ago

Next chapter of King’s Quest to be revealed at PAX Prime

The second chapter in The Odd Gentlemen's interactive adventure King's Quest will be revealed and detailed during a panel at…

10 years ago

Microsoft invites PAX Prime attendees to come play Xbox indie games

There's no doubt that Sony has done a much better job than Microsoft in getting the message across when it…

11 years ago