Tag: Perfect World Entertainment
Torchlight III comes to PC, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One this...
Developer Echtra Inc. has announced that Torchlight III will be leaving Early Access in two weeks and launch fully on PC, PlayStation 4, and...
Torchlight III details customizable forts in new trailer
Perfect World Entertainment has shared a new gameplay trailer for Torchlight III. This time it's all about the players' forts which are highly customizable...
Hack-and-Slasher Torchlight III announced for 2020
The third entry into the popular hack-and-slash franchise Torchlight has been announced. Formerly known as a free-to-play game Torchlight Frontiers, the developers have shared...
Neverwinter: The Cloaked Ascendancy expansion announced, releases in February
Perfect World and Cryptic Studios announced their newest expansion to release for Neverwinter in The Cloaked Ascendancy. It will release on PC first followed...
Star Trek Online new PS4, Xbox One DLC brings players back...
The newest DLC for Star Trek Online, the Agents of Yesterday expansion, is coming to consoles next month and brings players back to the...
Left 4 Dead, Evolve developer working on new online FPS
Perfect World Entertainment announced today that they are publishing a new IP which will be developed by the Left 4 Dead and Evolve developer...
Gigantic open beta hits Xbox One Game Preview December 8th
It looks like Gigantic is one step closer to fully releasing after Motiga cut progress of the game last year. Publisher Perfect World announced...
Neverwinter: Storm King’s Thunder expansion releases October 18th on consoles
Perfect World and Cryptic Studios have finally announced that the Storm King's Thunder expansion, the game's 10th expansion, will release on Xbox One and...
Perfect World dives into top-down shooters with Livelock
Perfect World Entertainment tends to stick to developing free-to-play MMORGs like Neverwinter, but they've switched it up. After teaming up with Toque Games, Perfect...
Stress test for Gigantic coming next week
Gigantic fans will soon have a new opportunity to play the upcoming free-to-play action MOBA developed by Motiga when Perfect World Entertainment conducts a...