Earlier today, it was revealed that Grand Theft Auto V will feature a first-person mode exclusive to the PS4, Xbox One,…
Every week, there are at least two guarantees: Monday will come and Tuesday will bring new games to the PlayStation…
You have probably owned and played it on every console by now, but here's some news regardless. Retro City Rampage: DX…
Black Friday, the day so appropriately named, the day when stores are teeming with angry customers, store shelves go from…
Following last week's PlayStation 4 firmware update 2.00, aka the Masamune update, Sony has acknowledged that they are aware of…
October kicked my ass and my fingers are begging me for a break after so many games released like Fantasy…
We're still over a month away from Sony's PlayStation Experience, but seeing as how people can already buy tickets to…
Earlier this week, Sony released PS4 'Masamune' Update 2.0. With all of the new features it brought also came a…
Sony's Game & Network Services -- the division which houses PlayStation -- saw its sales increase 83.2% year-on-year to $2.77…
As if Nathan Drake wasn't already good looking enough (we all know he is), someone had to go and upload…