Survival-shooter Scavengers by ex-Halo devs impresses in new trailer

The new trailer for Scavengers is here and it's a promising tease for the co-op action game set in a…

4 years ago

InXile unveils Frostpoint VR: Proving Grounds online VR shooter

Veteran RPG powerhouse inXile Entertainment has surprised gamers with the announcement of their next title Frostpoint VR: Proving Grounds. The…

5 years ago

Excellent survival-shooter Hunt: Showdown headed to PS4 next month

Crytek's brilliant competitive survival-horror shooter Hunt: Showdown is landing soon on the PlayStation 4. Publisher-developer Crytek released a statement about…

5 years ago

All the Ghost Recon: Wildlands PvP open beta details

When the Ghosts in Ghost Recon: Wildlands get tired of wrecking havoc across Bolivia, taking down the Santa Blanca cartel,…

7 years ago

Bungie cancels Iron Banner event in Destiny once again

Bungie has decided to cancel the planned Iron Banner event in Destiny once again. Of course, this is not the…

9 years ago

Hands-on with Stronghold PvP in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

ArenaNet invited me out to demo their first expansion for Guild Wars 2 last week and I was able to…

10 years ago

Bungie takes Destiny’s Crucible to a new difficulty with this PvP challenge

Bungie is ready to test your mettle. They have put a bounty on your head. The best players in Destiny…

10 years ago