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Tag: Smosh Games

[Watch] Honest Game Trailers Tells Us How Most People Play Stealth...

Sniper Elite 4 is pretty great. We recently learned that it runs smooth as butter on PS4 Pro compared to the regular PS4 and Xbox One....

The Five Nights at Freddy’s 3 Honest Trailer kindly requests no...

Smosh Games' Honest Game Trailers has tackled some of our favorite games -- Clash of Clans, Hearthstone, Batman Arkham Asylum. They've also done the...

The Clash of Clans Honest Game Trailer confirms our greatest fear

I'm a huge fan of Honest Trailers. They're always so spot on. The same can be said for Smosh Games' Honest Game Trailers. Whether...

Honest Game Trailers tackles Batman: Arkham Asylum

Smosh Games' Honest Game Trailers series on YouTube went ahead and did a video for Batman: Arkham Asylum. Seeing as how a new trailer...

Honest Game Trailers does Hearthstone: The Thinking Man’s Candy Crush

Smosh Games put out another Honest Game Trailer yesterday, this time tackling the popular virtual card game from Blizzard Entertainment, Hearthstone. And they did...