
Spelunky speed run pushes world record under two minutes

YouTuber Pibonacci has taken developer Mossmouth’s Spelunky for a speed run joyride, his newest and world record-setting run clocking in…

11 years ago

World’s new best Spelunky player scores over 3 million points

One gamer has set a new record in Spelunky that puts the top leaderboard score in the 3-million range. "Bananasaurus_Rex"…

11 years ago

Spelunky hits PlayStation 3 and Vita late this month

Mossmouth's Spelunky — the fancy and, dare I say, superior Xbox 360 version — returned to PC this month, and…

12 years ago

Enhanced Xbox 360 version of Spelunky circling back to PC

Spelunky, the roguelike cave-platformer where death is casual, is returning to PC in better form than ever. Independent developer Mossmouth…

12 years ago