Square Enix

Marvel’s Avengers media blowout packs Thor, Modok and Co-Op

Square Enix has released lots of new gameplay footage of their highly-anticipated superhero game Marvel's Avengers. In the recent War…

5 years ago

Square Enix shares jaw dropping Project Athia for PS5 & PC

During yesterday's jam-packed PlayStation 5 event, Square Enix quickly teased a next-gen game called Project Athia. The game is still…

5 years ago

First NieR Replicant screenshots showcase vastly improved environment

Square Enix has released the first-ever screenshots for the NieR remaster NieR Replicant. Instead of focusing on character models, we…

5 years ago

Review: Final Fantasy VII Remake is good but not always fulfilling

In 2005, the whole Final Fantasy fandom was thrown for a loop when Square Enix released a clip that featured…

5 years ago

Square-Enix thanks PS4 owners for their Final Fantasy VII Remake patience by showing the PC version

Japanese gaming giant Square Enix is celebrating the long-awaited launch of the Final Fantasy VII Remake, and is showing their…

5 years ago

NieR Replicant ver.1.22474487139… unveiled for PC, PS4, and Xbox One

Square Enix has shared an unexpected remaster with NieR Replicant ver.1.22474487139.... Yes, that is the game's actual title. It's a…

5 years ago

Final Fantasy VII Remake gets surprise demo on PlayStation Store

Final Fantasy VII Remake is finally almost here after many years of waiting. After its 2015 reveal, many have been…

5 years ago

Final Fantasy VII Remake Opening Movie is Square Enix’ Valentines gift for you

Square Enix today shared the awesome new opening movie for the highly-anticipated Final Fantasy VII Remake. The impressive CG movie…

5 years ago

Marvel’s Avengers gets new trailer and more; achievements leak

Despite getting a hefty delay from May to September, Marvel's Avengers' marketing cycle isn't slowing down. Today, we got a…

5 years ago

Preview: Outriders looks to kick off a strong start for next-gen

Disclaimer: Square Enix provided our travel and hotel for our Outriders preview event. You can watch 20 minutes of gameplay…

5 years ago