Suicide Squad

Margot Robbie is co-producing her own Harley Quinn spin-off

Back in May, it was rumored that Warner Bros. was working on a Suicide Squad spin-off film that would star…

9 years ago

Suicide Squad’s Joker, Jared Leto, joins Blade Runner 2 cast

In early 2015, we heard that Harrison Ford would be returning to the Blade Runner universe and reprising his role…

9 years ago

Gamescom 2016: New Injustice 2 trailer introduces Harley Quinn and Deadshot

Suicide Squad has been a big mess for fans and Warner Brothers since the film released. The film has suffered…

9 years ago

Suicide Squad suffers same box office fate as Batman v Superman

Suicide Squad had a really strong opening weekend but it would appear that bad word of mouth has caused the…

9 years ago

Sorry, there is and never was a R-rated cut for Suicide Squad

Suicide Squad released last week to mostly negative feedback and a lot of that negativity came from how poorly the…

9 years ago

Killer Croc is coming to season 3 of ‘Gotham’

Season three of FOX's Batman prequel series, 'Gotham', is set to feature the first appearance of Killer Croc. Much to…

9 years ago

Someone is threatening to take legal action against Warner Bros. over ‘Suicide Squad’

As told by Redditor, BlackPanther2016: “Movie trailers are like food menus, they give you a preview of what you’re gonna…

9 years ago

Jared Leto thinks Superman would be a great target for his Joker

Jared Leto stated his interest in having his version of The Joker take on Henry Cavill's Superman in a possible…

9 years ago

Man of Steel 2 reportedly in development

Warner Bros. has shifted their plans for the DC Universe into high gear, despite less than favorable reviews from critics…

9 years ago

7 Things You Might Have Missed in ‘Suicide Squad’

By now, anyone who had any intention of seeing the new supervillain ensemble film, ‘Suicide Squad’, has finally endured it…

9 years ago