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Live2D makes 2D images into animated 3D images

After watching the video below, I got this inkling that Cybernoids is going to go far with their Live2D software.  This technology is the...

This bed can withstand 65-tons of earthquake force, ladies

So the ‘WOOD LUCK’ is a Shinko Industries specialty bed.  The wood frame of this bed is said to be quake-resistant to up to...

This Logitech keyboard is sink safe

I’ll be honest, I once ruined an expensive keyboard by spilling and adult beverage on it.  I was sad.  If Logitech had created the...

The Pianocade allows the fighting game community to take over the...

More proof that the fighting game community is slowing taking over the world, now there is the Pianocade.  Just what is a Pianocade you...

DeLoreans don’t work on McCovey Cove unless you have power

In case you missed this footage from the August 10th’s Giant’s vs. Rockies game, here it is.  If you are asking yourself… is that...

Cabela’s Dangerous Hunts 2013 and Top Shot Fearmaster controller announced

The Dangerous Hunts franchise is at it again.  Just yesterday, Activision Blizzard announced Cabela’s Dangerous Hunts 2013.  This exciting and heart stopping hunting game...

Youda Survivor out today for the Nook

If you have been feeling like there is a severe lack of frenzied farming and a time management void in your life, boy does...

OUYA Kickstarter ends with $8.6 million pledged

The OUYA Kickstarter came to a close last night. Since its launch 30 days ago, 63,416 people have backed the open-source video game console...

Namco Bandai in ‘active discussions’ to support OUYA

Japanese video game developer and publisher, Namco Bandai, is "currently in active discussions" with OUYA to brings some of its properties to the new...

Watch us mess around with the Sphero in a not-so-difficult obstacle...

We just got our Sphero in today! This neat little ball is 'part ball, part roboto, all fun!' according to the box, and I...