Tag: Tech
South Korean laser tanks function as scarecrows at airports
To be fair, with the amount of daily upgrades to the old world and technological advances… it was about time scarecrows got an upgrade. ...
The cure to the common flu could be crystal meth
Look, I’m not telling you to go combat the flu with meth – that would be stupid. Between the choices of having the flu...
Why am I so disturbed by the screams of red gummy...
Science, you never cease to amaze me. Will you ever stop being awesome? I didn’t think so. Trust me, I get it, I’m a...
Bird found with camera of mysterious fishing excursion
It all started with a Saskatchewan woman finding a cormorant bird with a burden wrapped around its neck. The woman, Karen Gwillim, found this...
Jellyfish teaching us how to cure cancer
To think that I thought Jellyfish were always useless. I get their role in the food chain and all, but besides that I just...
Damn nature, you scary: angry black holes
I don’t understand space. I don’t pretend to; it’s vast, evil, and mysterious. I know that black holes are vortexes of pure murdering phenomenon. ...
Unicorns, zebras, underwear, dolphins, and Megan Fox are all mentioned in...
I just don’t know what to make of this. This ad for an Intel inspired Ultrabook, portrays Megan Fox as the actress that she...
Your reward for voting is a TESLA COIL FIGHT!
I don’t have all the details, but in Ireland at the Belfast Festival at Queens, there was a performance done by two people that...
Three million iPads sold in just three days
Apparently there is a market for the iPad Mini. In just three days after the launch of the new iPad Mini and fourth generation...
The world’s largest t-shirt cannon goes to 11
If you asked me to imagine what an over the top super t-shirt cannon would look like, I would have come up with something...