Nintendo's earnings from the three-month period that ended in June 2015 had a bit more information in it than boring…
Ocarina is a game that not only helped cement the N64 with its 1998 release but innovated the genre of…
Yesterday, a leaked trailer revealed that Hyrule Warriors is making the port to the 3DS from the Wii U. The…
A number of classic games were inducted into The World Video Game Hall of Fame in Rochester, New York. Each…
In late March, Eiji Aonuma, the lead developer and producer of Zelda games at Nintendo, revealed that The Legend of…
In a recent post on The Legend of Zelda Facebook, Eiji Aonuma posted a video giving an update on the…
Almost as soon as the announcement was made, the gold New Nintendo 3DS XL Majora's Mask Edition was sold out…
In February, a rumor surfaced that The Legend of Zelda had a live-action series was in development courtesy of Netflix.…
I think there's a saying, "If Hollywood can't do it, just do it yourself." Though the problem often being, Hollywood…
Nintendo might be busy rolling around in the money they made off of the New Nintendo 3DS, but let's be…