The Legend of Zelda

eShop SNES update brings Super Metroid and more to New 3DS via Virtual Console

During the March Nintendo Direct it was revealed that iconic Super Nintendo Entertainment System games would be exclusively available on…

9 years ago

Super Mario Maker, Splatoon join Zelda in rumors for NX development

Rumors around Nintendo's upcoming NX console have grown thicker in the last few weeks, whether it's regarding the consoles hardware…

9 years ago

Zelda for Wii U rumored to feature choice of female or male Link and more

Earlier this year it was rumored that the delay for the coming The Legend of Zelda game was due to the fact…

9 years ago

Someone made The Legend of Zelda a 3D browser game and its awesome

A named Scott Lininger (with the help of Mike Magee) decided that the world needed a playable 3D browser version…

9 years ago

Zelda for Wii U ‘progressing well’ and may surprise players with ‘something new,’ says dev

Rumors around The Legend of Zelda have suggested that the game will eventually make its release later this year on…

9 years ago

Twilight Princess was the ‘starting point’ for Zelda Wii U, director says

The Legend of Zelda series is undeniably cumulative, with each installment influencing and inspiring the next. Even so, Twilight Princess…

9 years ago

Link is the street view icon on Google maps today

Link is the featured guest on Google Maps today as the classic hero takes over the role of the street…

9 years ago

The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess HD Review

The Verdict There is no denying that Twilight Princess HD, despite it's new HD moniker, is a dated game. Now…

9 years ago

Nintendo unveil new Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess trailer

Nintendo has today gave gamers a little taste of what's in store this year and unveiled a brand new trailer…

9 years ago

Here’s how The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess HD for Wii U compares to the original

With the March 4th release date for The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess HD for Wii U getting closer by…

9 years ago