The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt

Conan, the Clueless Gamer, reviews The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt

It's been a while since we've last seen Conan O'Brien "review" a video game. In fact, I believe the last…

10 years ago

Steam discounts The Witcher franchise ahead of The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt

With The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt set to release this month, Steam is giving you yet another chance to grab…

10 years ago

Oh yes, there will be blood in The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt

Anyone that has been waiting for The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt knows that May 19th can't come soon enough. If…

10 years ago

Green Man Gaming responds to CD Projekt Red’s doubts on The Witcher 3 sales legitamacy

Earlier this week, Green Man Gaming (GMG) offered one of the best deals we had seen for the yet-to-be released…

10 years ago

CD Projekt Red asks fans not to buy The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt from GMG

Yesterday, we reported on a new deal for The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt. The deal was offered from game purveyor Green…

10 years ago

This is probably the best deal you’ll find for The Witcher 3 before its release

There's just two week's left until the release of The Witcher 3: Whild Hunt. Easily one of this year's biggest…

10 years ago

New video sheds light on the deadly monsters that await you in The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt

CD Projekt Red's character concept artists and animators came together to develop all of the monsters you see in The…

10 years ago

PC game releases for May 2015

The PC actually has a slew of great titles coming to it, whether it's new IPs like Invisible, Inc. and…

10 years ago

PS4 game releases for May 2015

Aside from the awesome games coming to PS Plus in the month of May, free for subscribers, there are also…

10 years ago

Xbox One game releases for May 2015

It's officially The Witcher 3 month! That's great news for all of us excited to get our hands on CD…

10 years ago