
Donald Trump suspended from Twitch; Discord bans pro-Trump serverDonald Trump suspended from Twitch; Discord bans pro-Trump server

Donald Trump suspended from Twitch; Discord bans pro-Trump server

Twitch has suspended Donald Trump alongside the likes of Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. While President Donald Trump does not use…

4 years ago

Twitter app finally launches today on Xbox One and other devices

The Twitter app for Xbox One is available now in many countries around the world, including the United States and…

9 years ago

Is Nintendo of Europe teasing new Mario Kart 8 DLC?

Nintendo of Europe recently made a tweet about good things coming to those who wait, showing an image of Mario…

9 years ago

#RIPTwitter trending as users reject proposed timeline changes

Angered Twitter users have started an emphatic trend on the service today in response to a reported change to their timeline system. …

9 years ago

Twitter launches new gaming vertical – say hello to @TwitterGaming

Twitter has launched its very own gaming account in an attempt to expand its growing popularity in the gaming community. …

9 years ago

Twitter looking to expand tweets past 140 characters?

Twitter are exploring ways to evolve their service, more specifically by considering a format that would allow tweets to be…

9 years ago

#PutSpiderManInEveryMovie yields awesome results on Twitter

As if you need any more proof that the internet is the best thing since sliced bread, a trending hashtag…

10 years ago

Blizzard to integrate Twitter into World of Warcraft: Warlords of Draenor with Patch 6.1

Blizzard will be bringing a new bird to World of Warcraft, but it won't be a mount or a pet.…

10 years ago

The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt Novigrad Version SteelBook gets a close-up

The last we heard about The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt we were looking at the reasons behind three month delay…

10 years ago

Nintendo reveals Link’s Master Cycle in Mario Kart 8

On Twitter today, Nintendo of America revealed Link's vehicle in the upcoming Mario Kart 8 DLC -- the Master Cycle. The…

10 years ago