Warner Bros

Batman: Arkham Origins’ hardest mode is ‘I Am the Night’

Batman: Arkham Origins producer Guillaume Voghel recently detailed the game's hardest mode, called I Am the Night, which unlocks only…

11 years ago

Dying Light Hands-On: When the sun goes down…

For anyone who has been keeping up with our Dying Light coverage, you may have noticed that I’ve constantly made…

11 years ago

LEGO The Lord of the Rings demo discs are the actual game

The demo discs that accidentally shipped with the Xbox 360 version of LEGO The Lord of the Rings are actually…

12 years ago

Rooster hat returns as pre-order bonus for Scribblenauts Unlimited

When DS owners pre-ordered the original Scribblenauts back in 2009, they were treated to one of the most charming bonuses…

12 years ago

Lego Batman 2 sets UK chart record for this year

Lego Batman 2: DC Superheroes is the first game in 2012 to maintain the top spot in the UK's all-format…

13 years ago

The Dark Knight Rises review

“Either you die a hero, or you live long enough to see yourself become the villain.” Such words were haunting…

13 years ago