Following Microsoft’s announcement that they will be moving their press briefing from the Monday to the Sunday before the official Tuesday start of E3, publisher and developer Bethesda reaffirmed today that they, too, will be holding an E3 showcase on Sunday.
Bethesda will once again take the evening slot, which works out perfectly since Microsoft’s Xbox briefing will be in the afternoon at 2:00pm. Unfortunately, there were no clues as to what they could be announcing.
It can be assumed that Electronic Arts, who last year ditched its traditional Monday showcase spot in favor of its own EA Play initiative, will once again host its showcase on Sunday during its own sort of mini-event prior to the start of E3.
Assuming no other last minute changes, we can now expect Sunday, June 11th’s pre-E3 lineup to include showcases by Microsoft, EA, and Bethesda, leaving just Sony and Ubisoft presenting their own briefings on Monday, June 12th, a day before the E3 officilaly begins. Nintendo will likely stick to its digital event on Tuesday morning before the showfloor opens.
Are you a fan of the new E3 scheduling or would you rather all showcases be on the Monday before?