A League of Legends bot and cheating service has been absolutely squashed by Riot Games.

Last Summer, League of Legends’ developer, Riot Games, sued a cheat and bot service, LeagueSharp, because it represented “an enormous threat to LoL” and could cause ” irreparable harm to Riot and its valuable player community.” Riot’s issues with LeagueSharp didn’t begin and end with the service allowing players to cheat, the service allegedly doxxed a Riot employee as well.

Less than a year later, the lawsuit has been settled and it cost the bot/cheat service big time.

The lawsuit’s agreement has LeagueSharp paying $10 million and giving Riot control over its websites. Additionally, all of LeagueSharp’s software has been banned. Technically, LeagueSharp closed down in January, but the terms of the suit’s settlement have only been disclosed now.