An ancient alien race, known only as Reapers, has launched an all-out invasion. The fate of our world, and of every world, rests in your hands.
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The Top 5 Selling Games of 2008 (So Far)
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Continuing Gamasutra's in-depth analysis of video game sales in the US, of which we saw one example earlier, they have turned their attention towards the top 5 selling games of 2008... that is, thus far.While the figures for Super Smash Bros. Brawl and Grand Theft Auto 4 are estimates (neither of the publishers nor the NPD Group have released official data), the maximum possible error in each figure should not affect the rankings.
(For those interested, the PS3 version of Grand Theft Auto 4 had likely sold in the neighborhood of 1.8 million by the end of October.) -- GamasutraLooking at last year's data reveals that Wii Play has appeared in the top 5 for two years in a row, selling more in the second year. They also point out that Wii Fit is a strong contender for the top spot, as it "has realized a higher weekly sales rate month after month, reaching a peak of 121,000 per week in October."
As for top earnings, Wii Fit already comes out on top, thanks to its higher price coupled with its popularity. For a look at the other charts, click on the Gamasutra link above.
Mass Effect 3 ‘2011 E3’ Trailer
An ancient alien race, known only as Reapers, has launched an all-out invasion. The fate of our world, and of every world, rests in your hands.