Check out the new trailer for PlayStation’s The Castle Game, a 3D tower defense game in which you must build your own castle and defend the Kingdom from invaders.
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The Castle Game Review
The Verdict
In the end, The Castle Game is a good buy for the budgeted price of $15. It offers solid replay value and trophies...
Media: NES Bionic Commando vs. Bionic Commando Rearmed
kombo -
It's funny; I'm sort of ready to move on from talking about Bionic Commando Rearmed, but more stuff just keeps coming up.
If you've forgotten what the original game was like, or just want to see the same parts of the two compared side-by-side, then check out these two videos:
See the difference 20 years of technology makes. -- GameTrailersAnd what a difference, indeed.
See the second trailer after the cut.
The Castle Game will mix tower defense and action on PS4 this August
Developer Neptune Interactive's latest title, The Castle Game, will release on PS4 August 4. The action-infused tower defense title will also make its way...